Friday, September 22, 2006


Ok, here are some of the exciting stories I told you about!

1. As some of you may know, Sharon has had a very bad year and a half. She had a heart attack around Thanksgiving '04 where she died on the table and they were able to bring her back-Thank your deity of choice! Then she had to have her gall bladder removed. When they were in there to do that, they thought her liver looked awfully bumpy so they did a biopsy (?) and decided she had cirrhosis (?) of the liver. They put her on Prednizone, a steroid that messed with her physically and mentally. She was sick all the time, pretty much bedridden and eventually diagnosed with depression and anxiety. It got to the point where my brother-in-law found her in her basement in the dark hiding under blankets. She was suicidal and it scared my whole family. She eventually got off the steroids with the help of anti-depressants, but still didn't feel like the "old Sharon". About a month ago, she got on her knees in front of a picture of Jesus and said "God, either take me out of this world or give me something that will help me and other people." Three hours later, a very good friend of hers, Diane, called her and told her about Xango juice. She has been drinking 3-1 ounce shots a day for the past 2 weeks and has gone from taking 14 pill a day to 1 1/2! She took information over to her doctor, Katherine, to look over and she ordered a case of Xango. She then asked Sharon if she was still taking all her meds. She said she's was only taking her heart medication and Katherine said to continue with that until her next office visit so they could run tests on her progress.
2. My 16 year old nephew, Dustin, got a really deep muscle bruise in football practice that would take him out of practice and games for about 3 weeks. After 5 days of drinking Xango, he was the starting center for the opening varsity game.
3. My brother-in-law, Jay, has horrible allergies. While working on his duck boat in the mold and dust, not one sneeze, not one cough. He'd been drinking Xango for about a week, if that.
4. A friend of my Mom's, Betty, works for Winnebago. About 5 years ago she either fell or something fell on her and hurt her neck. They sent her to their doctor who told her she just wrenched it and she'd be fine. The pain got worse, she couldn't turn her head and one of her arms started to loose feeling. She went to her own doctor who told her she was lucky to be alive because her neck was broken! They fused 3 vertebrae in her neck, but the pain continued along with the numbness in her arm. She was taking 2 different pain meds and A BOTTLE OF TYLENOL A DAY for 4 years! The doctors told her they would probably have to amputate her arm. Sharon told her about Xango, what did she have to loose? The first day, she took 1 tablespoon 3 times, and slept through the night for the first time in 5 years. The next day she took the same. The next morning she called Sharon. "Sharon, you aren't gonna believe it!" "Betty, is the pain starting to go away a little already?!" "NO! THE PAIN IS GONE!" If this hadn't been my own Mom, I would never believe it.
5. A friend of mine from Iowa was recently diagnosed with leukemia. She bought a bottle of juice because 1. what does she have to loose? and 2. if she can afford cigarettes, she can afford something that may improve her health.
6. You remember the story of Betty, right? The lady they told they would probably have to amputate her arm? Well, I talked to my mom yesterday and asked about her. Mom spoke to Betty last Friday and asked how she was. Betty said she'd been having pain again. A woman standing nearby, Donna, said "I told you that juice wouldn't work". Betty replied that she had forgotten to take her shot the night before and the first two of that day, so she drank 3 ounces right there in front of Donna and within 15 minutes the pain was gone again. Her husband is a truck driver and didn't want her taking Xango. She called him on the road to tell him that her pain was gone and he said that no matter how poor they get, she will NOT stop taking the juice. She is setting up a meeting this Saturday for anyone interested to come and listen to what Xango is all about. She has run out of hours in the day to talk to people one on one. Everyone that sees her says she is a walking testimonial.
I'm hoping to hear from "Iowa" soon to find out how she's doing. She's a wonderful person and doesn't deserve to go through cancer again.

7. I recently sold 2 bottles to a young lady of about 21 who was having knee pain and tremendous mood swings/crying jags. After about a week, she told me she is feeling much more stable and the knee pain is gone.
8. A gentleman bought a bottle because he also had bad knees and is/was on Prilosec for heartburn. After 2 days, he stopped taking the Prilosec and was excited that he had eaten a pepperoni pizza and never had heartburn.
Some of the conditions that have been helped by Xango are:
Diarrheal illnesse, treatment for intestinal parasites, inflammatory diseases, pain control, fever control, skin conditions (dermatitis, exzema, psoriasis), burns, headaches-including migrane, rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis, control of blood sugar in diabetes, allergies and asthma, dementia, anxiety and depression, heart attack and stroke, high cholesterol levels, viral/bacterial and fungal infections, fatigue and low energy states, acid reflux/stomach ulcers and gastritis and immune system diseases.
The bottles are $30 per with 25 servings. This may seem steep, but put it in perspective. How much is your health worth? How much do you spend on over the counter meds, prescriptions, time off due to sickness? Have you ever spent $30 or more on something that you've never used or just ended up throwing away? There is a complete moneyback quarentee, but I'm so confident that this can help people, I really don't expect that to be a factor. I drink 3 shots a day, so a bottle lasts me just over 8 days. That's less than $4 per day. I spend more on lunch some days! After seeing what this has done for someone so precious to me, I want to help others, too. If you'd like more information or would like a bottle, please contact me! I will also give out my phone # if you contact me via email. I guess that's quite a bit for the first round. I just get so excited about the way this has helped people I know and love. Stay tuned and hope to hear from you soon!


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